galadriel34 Aug 13, 2014 20:03
movie: harry potter, tv: sherlock, genre: art, character: fitz, tv: star trek next generation, character: molly hooper, character: jemma simmons, character sga: teyla, character: prof mcgonegall, tv: almost human, tv: agents of shield, character ah: rudy, character: wesley crusher, challenge: 1_million_words, challenge: august rush, tv: stargate atlantis
galadriel34 Aug 08, 2014 11:37
movie: harry potter, tv: sherlock, genre: art, character sg1: jack o'neill, tv: star trek next generation, art: wallpaper, tv: agents of shield, tv: almost human, character: skye, challenge 1mw: 100 in 100, character ah: rudy, character: mycroft, genre: humor, character: dumbledore, challenge: 1_million_words, challenge: august rush, tv: sg-1, character: worf